It is sometimes said that when someone hunts they will go through five different stages. Over the years they will become a new type of hunter. This is

It is sometimes said that when someone hunts they will go through five different stages. Over the years they will become a new type of hunter. This is, of course, apocryphal and it is not guaranteed that all hunters will go through these changes. Some will stay in one stage their entire lives. However, each one is still worth analysing.

The Shooter Phase

This hunter will be most interested in firing as many shots as possible. Their choice of gear will consist of a reliable firearm and plenty of ammunition. Beginners tend to start off at this phase. However, as they get enough target practice, they can evolve.

The Harvester Phase

They are interested in filling their hunting quota to its legal limit. The main goal will be not to waste their shots and to only fire when they have a clear target. This will help them to bag as many animals as possible.

The Trophy Phase

These hunters will be focused on setting local records. They do this by hunting trophy game. A big vehicle is useful to transport kills back home. Their purpose for hunting is not animal by-products but sheer bragging rights.

The Tactical Phase

A hunter who will spare no expense when it comes to picking off a challenging target. They invest a substantial amount of time and money in maximising their results. Tactical hunters will already be well seasoned and be full of insider knowledge.

The Sporting Phase

They participate in the pastime for the fun of it. They are not obsessed with tracking down an elusive target. The fresh air and great outdoors gives them enough satisfaction. One of their primary goals is to teach the younger generation some of the tips they have accumulated over the years.