In this exciting thriller film, Liam Neeson plays an employee of an oil company in Alaska. He is tasked with hunting down any wolves who just happen to stray too close to the refinery. This is to protect the other workers from wolf attacks.
After his time at the isolated refinery comes to an end, he and his colleagues board a plane back to civilisation. However, it ends up crashing and leaving them in the middle of nowhere. They must all attempt to survive, not only the cold but also giant grey wolves which appear to be following them.
The human hunter now finds himself being the one targeted. Without his trusty rifle, he has very few means of protecting himself. At the start of his ordeal, he tries to stay sheltered in the damaged remains of the plane. However, as the wolves begin eating the dead, he realises that the area is too dangerous.
This film is a look at how a hunter would react if they found themselves defenceless against their former prey. This is an ironic reversal of roles. The humans are now the ones who are at the mercy of animals.
By the end of the movie, the survivors end up having to fight using tools made from the natural landscape. However, this is an inadequate defence against such dangerous predators. One of the core messages of the story is that nature is still hazardous, despite the comfortable lives which many modern humans have.